The Impartial Reporter reports (impartially) that “Councillors press for Ulster Canal funding to be released”. The two councillors quoted are Thomas O’Reilly of Fermanagh District Council and Pat Treanor of Monaghan County Council. Both are members of Sinn Féin.
Cllr Treanor is quoted as saying “Once the Government release the funding ….” Cllr Treanor seems to have missed the point that “the funding” does not exist: the [RoI] government has not got the money and, as I have pointed out here many times, no money was set aside for the Ulster Canal. He says that …
… we would in the interim call upon all living in the local community, from Derrykerrib to Clones to begin to think about taking advantage of the obvious business opportunities that this reopening will bring.
If the members of the local community have any money, they might be better advised to invest it in Swiss bank accounts. Or even Bitcoins.
Filed under: Built heritage, Economic activities, Engineering and construction, Foreign parts, Forgotten navigations, Industrial heritage, Ireland, Non-waterway, Operations, People, Politics, Restoration and rebuilding, Sources, Tourism, Ulster Canal, Water sports activities, waterways, Waterways management Tagged: canal, Clones, councillors, department of arts heritage and the gaeltacht, Derrykerrib, Enniskillen, Erne, Fermanagh, Impartial Reporter, Ireland, Irish economy, Lough Neagh, Monaghan, Operations, Shannon-Erne Waterway, Sinn Fein, Ulster Canal, waterways, Waterways Ireland